I was never prepared to become a Mother…

I was never prepared to become a Mother and to be honest I don’t think that we are ever prepared for the journey of Motherhood. When I became a Mother I was faced with one of the greatest challenges of my life. A challenge so great that I almost didn’t make it. Yet here I am, 8 years on and a choice that I walk with every day of my life.

There are times where I wonder what life would have been like had I not experienced this rite of passage. How maybe things would have been different had I not experienced my birth into Motherhood as I did. How it would have felt to have received the support and the nurturing I needed as a Mother. How the journey of Motherhood would be so different if Mothers were seen and valued by society with the reverence they truly deserve, not just as caretakers and nurturers of children, but caretakers, guardians and warriors of the Earth.

What if Mothers were seen as the essential thread, the foundational element that constitutes the fabric of our society? I wonder what our world would be like where the bodies of Mothers weren’t extracted and used as a resource in an attempt to fill the never ending emptiness of the hungry people. I wonder what it would be like if there was nurturing for all, that wasn’t at the expense of the bodies, the minds and the essences of Mothers, would our world still be on fire?

With courage,

Vesna x


My Cacao Pick of the Month (June 2024)


Lucid Dreaming